Ash Fox

my bum

Tara Foxx & Nathaniel John of The Party Death

Miss Guy

Me/ Ash Fox & Simon Jacobs, Designer for Against Nature

Kelle Calco and Tara Foxx

Marty E of The Dirty Pearls

Janina Flohn

Ash Fox
all photos by El Grace
Ladyland at the Hudson Hotel Library Room July 1st, 2010
"LADYLAND : A ROCK N ROLL DANCE PARTY about Love, Light, Laughter, Ecstasy, Inebriation, Grit, and Glamour spreading and celebrating the spirit of a real and infectious musical sound which christened a lifestyle of liberation, libation, and celestial satisfaction. This is a place for souls who know that god still needs guitars and hearts don't beat to a click track. As one million dreamers tap their toes and tune into Jagger's lips and lyrics spitting on and all about the streets of New York....the very streets that we’re groovin on tonight.....we will be the faces they dream of, and this, my friend, is where those faces will meet. Come play with fire and paint it black. Come dance, little sister, dance with a motley cast of muppets, models, and musicians every Thursday at The Library in Hudson Hotel, Hell's Kitchen, NYC. EVERY THURSDAY, 11 PM – 4 AM"
Ladyland at the Hudson Hotel Library Room July 1st, 2010
"LADYLAND : A ROCK N ROLL DANCE PARTY about Love, Light, Laughter, Ecstasy, Inebriation, Grit, and Glamour spreading and celebrating the spirit of a real and infectious musical sound which christened a lifestyle of liberation, libation, and celestial satisfaction. This is a place for souls who know that god still needs guitars and hearts don't beat to a click track. As one million dreamers tap their toes and tune into Jagger's lips and lyrics spitting on and all about the streets of New York....the very streets that we’re groovin on tonight.....we will be the faces they dream of, and this, my friend, is where those faces will meet. Come play with fire and paint it black. Come dance, little sister, dance with a motley cast of muppets, models, and musicians every Thursday at The Library in Hudson Hotel, Hell's Kitchen, NYC. EVERY THURSDAY, 11 PM – 4 AM"
You look so incredible
These photographs are amazing
Wow, you look amazing in these photos. What a great atmosphere, and you've played it up to a T with your styling.
You look hot...love the look
nice bum ;)
you have such interesting group of friends.
how did you meet them
you have such a beautiful skin tone. absolutely flawless and perfect for photographs...
You look so ultra cool!
I always feel like being in the 80's club era when I look at your photos... fabulous people!
You must lead a fun life...it's certainly looking fabulous!
You look smokin'! I love these photos, esp. the last one!
xx, becs
great pics!
Very cool :* xx
HOT HOT HOT!!! love the pics!
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