
Señora de la Tierra

my favorite shot of the night

me/ ash fox ...unfortunately, i don't remember who snapped this

richard kennedy

simon jacobs

elijah rose

this model looks very familiar...any idea who she is?

ian el derado

jamie nelson

kelle calco

tommy hottpants

me / ash fox snapped by kelle calco

dexter ivy

Ladyland at the Hudson Hotel Library Room from September 9, 2010

Photographed by ASH FOX Edited by KELLE CALCO

LADYLAND : A ROCK N ROLL DANCE PARTY about Love, Light, Laughter, Ecstasy, Inebriation, Grit, and Glamour spreading and celebrating the spirit of a real and infectious musical sound which christened a lifestyle of liberation, libation, and celestial satisfaction. This is a place for souls who know that god still needs guitars and hearts don't beat to a click track. As one million dreamers tap their toes and tune into Jagger's lips and lyrics spitting on and all about the streets of New York....the very streets that we’re groovin on tonight.....we will be the faces they dream of, and this, my friend, is where those faces will meet. Come play with fire and paint it black. Come dance, little sister, dance with a motley cast of muppets, models, and musicians every Thursday at The Library in Hudson Hotel, Hell's Kitchen, NYC. EVERY THURSDAY, 11 PM – 4 AM"


me / ash fox by richard kennedy
rarely have full length shots..so here ya go!


daisychain said...

amazing photos...and you are drop dead gorgeous

Style Realist said...

your pics always make me want to upgrade my camera...


Susan said...

you look gorgeous- as always. sorrounded by all the cool people... :)

Kristen Leo said...

omg these pics are awesome!
following you with bloglovin!
visit my blog if you like ^_^


The Sydney Girl said...

awesome piccies! X

Alyssa Roman said...

I can't tell what you're doing in that second pic of you... but it looks hot! lol

Rebecca said...

do you use a filter on your camera?

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos!

J. said...

Your nightlife shots are always amazing!

Anonymous said...

Is Brett Michaels bald?


I've been working on my Latin recently.

Haute World said...

Love these photos, especially the first one - very Ziggy Stardust!

The Queen of Hearts said...

You know what's funny? I just woke up from a dream where I was at LadyLand and partying with my friends and Samuel Valentine. Randoooo lol

Noshabelle said...

OMG! soo cool photos!!!